.. Cosmo documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Aug 11 10:24:13 2013. .. # For CoSMoMVPA's license terms and conditions, see # # the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA # .. figure:: _static/cosmomvpa_banner.png A multi-modal, multi-variate pattern analysis (MVPA) toolbox in Matlab / GNU Octave for cognitive neuroscientists. CoSMoMVPA --------- - State-of-the art, yet simple to use MVPA implementations. - Runs on the Matlab and GNU Octave platform, on MS Windows, OSX, and GNU/Linux. - Handles fMRI volumetric, fMRI surface-based, and MEEG data through a uniform data structure. - Support for a wide range of data formats. - Searchlights in the volume, on the surface, over sensors, time bins, and frequency bands. - Multiple-comparison correction using Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement Monte Carlo simulations. - Extensive documentation, including a variety of runnable scripts and implementation exercises (with solutions). - Is Free/Open Source Software (MIT License), see http://github.com/CoSMoMVPA/CoSMoMVPA. .. toctree:: :hidden: philosophy news get_started download documentation nmsm2019 tips faq contact contribute thanks .. image:: _static/icon_demos.png :target: contents_demo.html .. image:: _static/icon_philosophy.png :target: philosophy.html .. image:: _static/icon_get_started.png :target: get_started.html .. image:: _static/icon_download.png :target: download.html .. image:: _static/icon_modules.png :target: matindex.html .. image:: _static/icon_documentation.png :target: documentation.html .. image:: _static/icon_exercises.png :target: nmsm2019.html .. image:: _static/icon_tips.png :target: tips.html .. image:: _static/icon_faq.png :target: faq.html .. image:: _static/icon_contact.png :target: contact.html .. image:: _static/icon_develop.png :target: contribute.html .. image:: _static/icon_thanks.png :target: thanks.html .. include:: news.rst .. include:: _static/demo_gallery.txt .. include:: _static/git_summary.txt .. _matlab_pb_toc: _static/publish/index.html Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`documentation` * :ref:`matindex` * :ref:`search` .. include:: links.txt